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About Our School

Grand View Elementary is a country school, rich in culture and tradition.  We look back at what has made Grand View students successful and look forward to incorporating those educational achievements with 21st century academic tools. 


Academic success is the focus at Grand View and we are constantly working toward enriching young minds.  Our students are challenged daily with rigorous curriculum and meaningful activities designed to teach the California Common Core State Standards at each grade level. 


 To maximize the lessons and learning, Grand View is close to attaining the goal of 1:1 Chromebooks in the classroom.

English Language Learners: 

Grand View has a large student population of English Language Learners.  With intensive staff training on research-based teaching practices in English Language Development and a dedicated ELD teaching time each day, we are seeing the number of students achieving English Proficiency increase each year.


Having strong moral character rounds out a child.  Grand View uses the Character Counts program along with Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) to teach our students the importance of having good character.  We were awarded Platinum status for our PBIS work during the 2016 - 17 school year.  This is our second year in a row receiving this award. 


Parents are in integral part of the culture at at Grand View. They act as our students’ first teachers, classroom volunteers and make up our Booster Club, which raises monies to further student academic activities.

At Grand View Elementary we are committed to attaining excellence by building a foundation of academic excellence, character and community.